RLC Foundation Event – Cambridge Technology Centre 18 May 2016
The RLC Foundation theme for 2016 is harnessing technology and what better place to look at this issue than PA Consulting’s Cambridge Technology Centre. The event took place on 18 May and attracted a capacity audience from Industry, Academia and the Army. Principal guests were Lt Gen Mark Poffley, Master General of Logistics and Maj Gen Angus Fay, Assistant Chief of Defence Staff Logistic Operations. The event kicked off with a superb presentation from Professor John Manners Bell and Ken Lyon from Transport Intelligence (Ti). They discussed, amongst other themes, the “uberization” of the supply chain, the impact of driverless vehicles and the untapped capacity wasted with 29% of large goods vehicles running empty. The second presentation from Colonel Mike Caldicott of Army Logistics Capability Development provided the Defence perspective of harnessing technology and we were treated to a fascinating glimpse of the future for conducting convoy operations. The final presenter was Ed Robbins from PA Consulting giving some informed insight into the emerging digital supply chain management landscape. Emphasis was on changes to ways of working with a focus on people and talent, systems and tools, structures and processes.
After a lively question and answer session and a quick lunch visitors were shown around a series of stands to get a scary glimpse future technology. It was rather like a briefing from Q to 007!
This was probably the best thought leadership event that the RLC Foundation has held and our sincere thanks go to all the excellent presenters and to our generous hosts and Founding Corporate member PA Consulting.