RLC Foundation Military Planning Event Colchester – 24 September 2019

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RLC Foundation Military Planning Event Colchester – Tuesday 24 September 2019

13 Air Assault Support Regiment RLC hosted a Military Planning event at Merville Barracks, Colchester, on Tue 24 Sep 19. This event showcased military operational logistics and exposed our corporate members to the military decision making process against the backdrop of a tactical field operational Headquarters and an ongoing battlefield scenario. The event concentrated on how the military makes decisions and subsequently executes the orders process during the planning stages of a military operation. Corporate members received an appreciation of why mission analysis prior to military engagement is so important; it shows how the military makes sense of the environment in which they are operating, how the communication chain works, it creates missions and tasks and manages inherent risks and uncertainties. This is a different approach to the business world in many respects with less data and more uncertainty, but there are recognisable planning parallels between industry and the military. The risks are different. Whilst commercial uncertainty threatens business viability and therefore profit; military uncertainty threatens the mission and ultimately lives.

After initial briefings corporate members, under the tutelage of 13 Air Assault Support Regiment officers, took part in a war gaming scenario to put their new found knowledge to the test. This provided for lively debate and confirmed that delegates had a basic understanding of the combat estimate process.

Regimental chefs provided an excellent curry lunch in the field which was enjoyed by all.
This was an excellent event and feedback from our corporate members has been extremely positive. We would plan to run a similar event in 2020.

Thank you 13 Air Assault Support Regiment!
